Replace garage door opener
repair garage floor
install roll up shade on patio
lay cement blocks for sidewalk
paint all exterior trim
paint garage door
paint patio deck
make and install door for storage area
install ceiling tiles
finish and install stair handrails
trouble shoot air conditioner
change taps in bathroom
install proper exterior vent covers for bathrooms
make and install shelves in bathroom
make shelves in cold room
re-do venting for dryer
and more.
But really most of my time has been doing little stuff and just making sure they are both doing okay. Helping mom cook a few times, over half the stuff on the above list dad helped out with, and we had time to take a trip to Calgary to visit with my brother and his family. They appreciated how much of the 14 hours of driving I did, I liked getting to play with the grand nieces and grand nephew.
Visiting with the neighbours, helping a few of them with projects. Picking berries and tilling the garden. Mowing the lawn.
All that boring stuff that makes up living, but now I have the time to pace it out, and do it without a rush. It makes for a slow summer, one I will treasure for the lack of pressure to get a lot done in a short period of time.
It was a cool spring on the prairies this year, the farmers got off to a long slow start, and there was way too much rain. Once it was in, however the crops did fine, and the harvest has been behind average because of the late start, but better than average in quantity and quality.
Last year was better, but last year broke all records, and the infrastructure could not handle the amount of grain to be moved. There is still some of last year's crop waiting to be sold and shipped.
A picture taken of a field on the edge of town, pretty much sums up the area and time of year in one shot.
Next up a lovely shot of the falls colours beginning to make a difference in the look of the street.
Next up for me is heading into Saskatoon, and boarding a plane for Cancun. The weather this last week has been remarkably fine, but those colours on the above leaves are a clear warning to me that it is time to flee.