Just a quick post. Many things have been happening in a short period of time.
I have been meeting new people and connecting with old friends. Enjoying my time in a tropical climate. San Pedro in Guatemala is a great place to dodge a Canadian winter, and Caye Caulker in Belize is even warmer.
My avoiding cold weather is not going to be successful this time around though because my parents have run into a bit of trouble. They are moving from their own home into a retirement home, and Mom fell and is injured. My brothers can help them a little, but I have far more spare time than they so, so off I go to Saskatchewan to help.
A am very glad that I have the available time to help them, but I am not looking forward to arriving in Saskatoon in February without any winter clothing.
My last few days spent in Guatemala were a lot of fun, and it was a great way to finish that chapter.
The more I travel, the farther spread out my circle of friends and family get. Sometimes it feels like they are all only a step away, but far too frequently I am many, many miles away from the people I want to interact with.
Be well My friends and watch your step on the ice.