My parents have moved into a retirement home. The decision was carefully thought out and the place chosen should work very well for them. How everything came together was amazingly quick.
The place they have moved to usually has a waiting list, some people have waited over a year but they got in the week they applied.
They decided to sell their house and a friend of a neighbour approached about buying before it was even listed, it took less than 30 minutes to agree on a price.
Everything was set, the movers hired and they started to figure out what to downsize.
Then mom fell on a patch of ice and broke her leg.
It could have been the start of a series of bad things happening, but in reality it was a minor bump. Friends and relatives have lined up to help and things have worked out fine.
I flew back to Canada from Guatemala, and the temperature was a mild -10c. Very mild for the middle of the night in Februrary. The bus trip to the small town mom and dad lived in was uneventful, and helping them pack was okay.
The day of the move, I got smacked in the face with the reason I do not like Saskatchewan in the winter, -35c without wind chill. I really did not need that reminder of why I left.
The weather since has been much milder, at times even getting above freezing.
But I figured the least I can do is post a picture as a reminder of what a mild winter in Saskatoon can look like.
I'll end with a Canadian winter saying;
Keep your Stick on the Ice.