Monday, 20 January 2020

Car show in Cochabamba

At the invitation of a friend, I attended a car show, which had a mix of new and old autos.  My friend is one of the people dressed in 1940's costume hanging out behind the ropes around the cars.  I only took pictures of the old cars, I hope you like them.

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Team Archie

I am currently a long ways from BC, but I have long had an attitude toward papparazzi, one that is not difficult to express.

I hate them.  It is not a term I am happy expressing, for it is a very strong word to put in writing, but they are a loathsome facet of modern life, and the tabloid yellow press that they feed are a steep step below them.  They are not connected to reality, and force the celebs they prey on into extremes to attain a bit of honest privacy.

The tabloids in Britain appear to be the worst on the planet, and they have driven a number of people away from their own country, and have insisted on making the life of various Royals sheer hell.


I am someone who travels with a camera, and usually have one in easy reach.  The people I do photograph are either friends, at SCA events, or ones who pose for the camera.  I do strive to never post an embarrassing picture of someone, but do try for candid pictures, where the unposed picture captures better than anything staged could.  I do not post pictures of any one who is uncomfortable with a picture I have taken and either delete it or never post it, as they request.

That being said, I will never post a photo of a famous without their tacit consent.  As in, if they are at a public event, they are fair game during the event.  If they have stepped out for a private moment, no.  If they are at a beach on a photo shoot, sure.  If they are at a beach with family, no.

From what I have seen on the press, Prince Harry, Megan Markle and their son have chosen to step away from the limnlight to better raise their son and have some privacy doing so.  I applaud their choice, and will not seek out and way to invade into their lives.  To me, being on Team Archie means leaving them alone to give them the space to raise their child out of the spotlight of celebrity, and hopefully to become a person as admirable as his parents are.