Friday 15 November 2013


Between the lighting, the amount of time spent walking, and the jungle growth, the pictures from Tikal are a little disappointing.  I should have taken far more than I did.  As well, the climb to the top of temple 5 was beyond me.  My fitness level is low, and with my hip, climbing 72 meters on a staircase after a long uphill trek was just too much.
The site is very large, and like all the other Mayan sites, only a portion has been excavated.  I would have liked to take more time to explore the shorter side buildings, but in order for the tour to see a decent portion of the complex, we had to keep moving.
I know I am going back to Tikal, next time hopefully I will be in better shape, and will likely do it without a tour, so I can explore the portions I want slowly and thoroughly.  The park is large, and not close to amenities, but very worth the time to get there.

Corruscated Turkey

Spot the monkeys

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