Monday 13 January 2014

Granada Pictures

Established and registered with the Spanish crown in 1524, Granada claims it is the oldest European settlement on the American continent.  Situated on the shore of Lake Nicaragua, it is both warm and humid.  The city is a nice size, and the tourist area is clean and the locals are very friendly.

As is common in the construction of the area, courtyards are a feature of almost every building.  I ate in a restaurant where four different cafes shared the same courtyard, allowing all the customers to mingle and enjoy the calm setting.
The main square is full of small vendors waiting to do business, and has a plentitude of benches and shade trees.
The cobblestone streets make for a quaint and old world look, but I suspect they are labour intensive to maintain and not the best for traffic.  Many of the streets have been upgraded to either interlocking brick or paved.
More pictures later.

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