Saturday, 30 May 2020

I need a break.

I think we all need a break.

There is chaos everywhere and the news just keeps piling up.

Riots.  Riots with good reason, and protests that should be shut down and protests that should not be.

Any peaceful protest should be able to be dealt with without violence.

Any armed protest should be met with an armed reply.

Covid and the responses.  I mean whining about wearing a mask?  Really?

China has deployed troops near Pakistan to ensure the security of infrastructure projects financed by them.  India reacts with alarm at a division of troops deployed some 60 miles from their border.

I do not know why the amount of corruption in politics is allowed to happen.  It is a stain that soils every country on Earth, and makes every person's life worse.  Yet we as a society can do very little to halt and expose and root it out.

Corporations are soulless entities, but need to be held accountable for their actions.  The people who control the poisoning of the environment should be forced to live in that poison they order to be created.

Everyone who works deserves a living wage.  A wage that is better than ekeing a scratch living.

While a few people have done something to lessen the amount of plastic in the ocean, there are a lot of people still making that horrible situation worse.

And the news keeps piling up.

The world seemed to be getting it's act together.

Human slavery is slowly ebbing into history, and spotlights shining on the places where it still happens and forcing it to whither and die is great.

The awareness that oil is killing our environment is finally making it to the front of our brains.

And the rich somehow manage to dodge more and more taxes.

And somehow they do not see the rest of us reaching for the re-set button.

I need a break.

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