Thursday, 6 February 2014

Boquete, Panama.

The trip from Ometempe Island to David went very smooth.  After I got to the bus depot I found out that it was usually booked full, and most had needed to reserve seats two days in advance.  I had made my way with two other travelers, and they killed time with me in the ticket office until it opened at eight.  The bus was due through at nine, and I got a ticket, the only spot left on the bus.
There are a few things traveling in Central America which have me puzzled.  I really understand that as part of immigration control, the need is there for visas or other means of controlling foreign visitors and their length of stay.  But both Costa Rica and Panama require you to have a reserved exit ticket, with Panama requiring it to be a plane ticket.  Costa Rica, boat bus or plane.  Panama, only a plane will do.  Seems a real silly requirement when a visa will give the same result.
David, the second largest city in Panama is not very interesting from a tourist point of view.  It is not right on the coast and far from the jungle areas.  It has a strong commercial and agricultural base and is well set up for traffic.  So far Panama wins the highest rating for infrastructure, with Costa Rica a close second.  Costa Rica has better access to potable water, but Panama has better roads.
David, located in the coastal plain was warm and humid, but the short bus ride up into the hills to Boquete was cheap, $1.75 and the temperature dropped a little and the humidity dropped a lot.  Boquete at this time of year tends to have a light sprinkle of rain/mist every afternoon.  I sat in the central square reading a book in the sun and being hit by the occasional bit of falling mist.  There was a light breeze as well, and the moisture dried as fast as it fell.  There was blue sky above me, but the nearby peaks were wrapped in cloud that varied from wispy to  grey and threatening.  It never really strayed far from the peaks, but the peaks were so close that the winds were sending us some scattered spray.
The whole place is green and lovely, but not nearly as warm as I was expecting.  I have even been tempted to put on a long sleeve shirt in the evening, and the nights are cool enough I could use a light jacket.
Pictures to follow, as I have not yet pulled out my camera.

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