Wednesday, 30 April 2014


I spent a lot of time dawdling in the Memphis area.  The SCA kingdom of Gleann Abhinn was having a Beltane event, and I decided to go.  Travel to the event from Shreveport should have taken about 6 hours.
Note the should.

It was not easy to locate a place to mount  bike tire in Shreveport, and the charge was steep, $90.  By the time it was mounted, and I brought it back to the trailer it was too late in the day for them to mount the other one as they closed early that day.

So, putting the trailer back on two wheels, I headed off for Millington (just north of Memphis).  I so wanted to make it in one day, and had a late start, so I pushed my speed a little.  When I got to Little Rock, there was smoke coming from behind me.  Investigation showed that I had over tightened the axle nut, because it locked the bearing in place ruining the new tire.
Sigh.  After checking into a hotel, I found I was too late to get any work done that day, but managed to find a place Saturday that mounted the new tire for me at a cost of $90, including a new bearing.
Then off to the event.  I got there too late for a lot of the fun stuff, but made new friends, and watched a fun court.  At the court it was very nice to see about 25 people be presented in court for attending their first event.  The attendance numbers were under 300, which made for a rather high percentage of new comers, and I talked with a few of them.

Once the event was over the weather closed in for rain and cold.  I stayed in the area to save wear on the one tire left to change, and found the Yamaha dealership in Millington quite nice to deal with.  They ordered a tire in, and mounted it for $80, the best price yet in my quest to keep the trailer rolling smoothly.

I felt like I was dawdling.  I had met a lot of people and made some very nice new friends but it is time to move along.

The weather now is still stubbornly refusing to co-operate, and I could have a very cold and rainy time.  I had hoped the weather would be nicer but with a little luck I will make it through to Salt Lake soon, to visit an old friend and meet 2 of her kids for the first time.

I will finish with posting a few pictures from the Beltane event.


  1. What is the story behind the pink piggy noses & ears?

  2. They were doing fairy tales. The three little pigs was done during the feast following court.
