Saturday 24 January 2015

Cuyabeno National Park, Ecuador part 1.

When I found out that the bus ride from Quito to Lago Agrio was only $8.20, I had to make the trip.  The city is not that great a place, but it is the kick off point for adventure into Cuyabeno Park, and I booked a 4 day 3 night stay at Caiman Lodge.  The lodge itself was nice, rustic but clean and well maintained.  Very limited luxuries, no cell phone reception and the electricity was only on for about 3 hours a day.  The food was nice with a heavy local influence and like most Ecuadorian food, virtually no spices or herbs were used.

But on to the pictures of the river on the way to the lodge, the birds monkeys etc seen during the trip.

The first photo shows the river, and the second a few toucans perched on branches.  It was the only time I saw toucans not flying.  All the other times we could hear them but not see them as they hid behind foliage.

Two toed Sloth

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