The trip was as much and more than what I was expecting. It was a time full of green fecund joy. The diversity and depth of life in the Amazon needs to be experienced at least once.
At the lodge, the generator shut off between 9 and 10pm, and man made noise disappeared. In it's place, the sounds from the surrounding jungle edged in louder. The insects and animals that make their living in the night gave a background drone quite different from during the day. Far more insect noise and far less from birds. I drifted off to sleep, not bothered by the sounds, but lulled by them.
The weather during my stay was close to ideal, as I arrived at the entrance to the park, it was raining lightly, but by the time lunch was eaten and the boat was loaded the rain had stopped. Several times during my stay it rained, but never during the excursions, and most heavily at night. The temperature was not as warm as I had feared, and the light blankets in the lodge were needed at night. During the day, sitting in the boat and looking for wildlife was a truly pleasant way to spend time. The tromp through the jungle was very tiring though, the humidity real made itself known and I went back to the lodge tired and with a sweat soaked shirt.
Here are a few more pictures, A few from the Laguna Grande, which to my Canadian eyes, was a not particularly large lake, and one which was very shallow. The place was well worth the visit however.
Toucans. Easy to hear, hard to get a decent picture of. | |
Anaconda, about 20 feet long |
The guide slowly teased this feller out of his tunnel and into his hand. |
There are a few thousand frenetic ants in the pic....... |
Poison Arrow Frog, the colours did not come out decent, he is a much more vibrant orange. |
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