Tuesday 17 September 2013

Klamath to Red Bluff

No pictures of this.  Mostly because I do not have a decent lens for getting shots of the giant redwoods.  There were a lot of the giant tree along the highway, and taking the scenic route was worth it.  There were many pullouts and short walks to take, of which I only did one.  I turned inland off the 101 onto Hwy 36.  The tourist info guy I talked to had said tourists in cars and vans do not like Hwy 36, but bikers do, and I quickly knew why.  Twisty and windy, followed by windier and twistier.  It was a great ride, and one I would like to repeat without the trailer.  There were next to no services along the road, and at the start there were a fair number of homes, they thinned out and then stopped when I entered Shasta-Trinity National Forest.  Very nice, very dry.  In 3 hours of riding, through mountainous terrain I passed 0 lakes and went back and forth over a few very dry creek beds.  The heat increased the farther I got from the coast, and by the time I got to Red Bluff, it was well over 80F, with the day peaking around 88F.

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