Thursday 19 September 2013

On to Battle Creek Campground.

One last picture of the Coast of California.  A tow truck driver was at the view point where I was taking pictures, and offered to take a couple of me.
I did not take any pics at Red Bluff or Battle Creek Campground, but did have a nice time.  The change in vegetation from the coast and into the high interior is quite varied.  As you go inland, it dries out.  At Red Bluff, it was very arid, but going East from there, into the Lassen National Forest, the elevation changed quite rapidly.  Red Bluff is at 305 feet, whereas 50 miles away at the Battle Creek Campground, it was 4,800 feet.  That sure made for a difference in temperature as well as vegetation, though to me it was not a lot wetter.  On my winding way down south on highway 70, I did stop at Yankee Hill to take a few pictures.
There was a bit of haze in the air, so the distance just seems to fade off in the picture, in person it appeared to get drier and drier the farther out you looked.

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