Monday 7 October 2013


From El Paso to Orange, Texas is a long haul.  I stayed three nights at George's place, and was very well treated.  It was very warm during the day, and cool at night.  He was a nice host with many hours of conversation being passed.  Wednesday when I arrived was fighting practise, and we went, a small one with only 4 fighters but fun was had.  Lighting was too low for pictures. 
I got bored with most of the desert scenery, and did not take many breaks or pictures along the way.  I did pull over at one picnic spot to take a few, mostly to show the dry horizon.
Next photo op was at a place called Eagle Creek.  The water was not running, but there were pools here and there in the bed, and the canyon cut by the creek was very nice to photograph.  I also grabbed a few of the flowering shrubs, the purple blossoms were along the road for hours of travel.

I stayed at Anderson, and the next day drove on to Seguin, just past San Antonio.
From there, it was another long haul to the Louisiana border, and I found a campground at mile 7 on I-10.
Near Seguin, I tried a local diner and picked the chicken fried steak.  I have never previosly tried one, and figured if I ever was having one in the middle of Texas was about as typical as I could get.  The steak itself was fine, quite filling and had a good texture, everything else on the plate could have used an up-grade.

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